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N o n - C o m m e r c i a l A r t

I follow a lot of artists and illustrators on Youtube and one of my favorites is the illustrator Hieu, also known as kelogsloops on social media. Based in Melbourne, Austrailia, he is well known for his dreamy editorial style paintings of female faces and figures. Here are just 3 examples of his work! Fragile , Hieu/kelogsloops,  I love this image because of the use of positive and negative space. The boy's sweater is solid white but your eyes read into the shape and see sleeves. I also love the soft colors and the texture of the watercolor paint, and the use of white gel pen to highlight the hands and face from the background. It's all around very sparkly and dreamy. Hood of Blood, Hieu/kelogsloops, I love this image because of the bold red/black/white color combo. It's very striking. I also enjoy the use of lines for the hair and eyes. It's just a lovely combo of realism and abstraction!  

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